NFL 2023 Adjusted Net Passing Yards

NFL 2023 – QB Adjusted Net Yards Per Attempt Scores Through Week 11

QB Adjusted Net Yards Per Attempt Scores

Adjusted Net Yards Per Attempt or ANY/As is another way of measuring quarterbacks.  Just like Passer Rating, QBR, and our own QB Score, it has its fans and detractors.  Personally I think QB Score and Passer Rating are better measures(QBR being secretive, and apparently subjective, bothers me), but for those who believe in ANY/As, here are the quarterback scores and rankings through week 11.

What is Adjusted Net Yards Per Pass Attempt?

An advanced statistic in football that scores quarterbacks by including six passing statitics;

  • passing attempts
  • passing yards
  • passing touchdowns
  • interceptions thrown
  • times sacked
  • sack yardage

This measure rewards passers for  touchdowns and punishes quarterbacks for throwing interceptions. This is all combined into a value on a per pass attempt basis.

It’s calculated as follows:

ANY/A = (pass yards + 20*(pass TD) – 45*(interceptions thrown) – sack yards) / (passing attempts + sacks)

Why Adjusted Net Yards Per Pass Attempt – ANY/A?

This measure is considered to be one of the best for correlating to wins. The average ANY/A will vary from one season to another but is generally around 5.35 ANY/A. This can be calcluated on an individual passer level and on a team level.


NFL 2023 QB ANY As Scores thru week 11
NFL 2023 QB ANY As Scores thru week 11